Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Guess what I cut up today? A cow eye!

This year I am in biology. Yeah, that's right. I get to dissect stuff. As some of you may remember, I dissected a worm a while ago, so I'm not all new to this business of dissection. My supervising teacher came to help me with the process. The pictures pretty much say it all, so I am going explain it step by step with them. Enjoy!! :)

The cow eye, before I did anything to it.

Cutting the muscle and fat away.

Muscle and fat all gone!

Cutting the cornea open.
Removing the cornea.
All taken apart.
I think you can guess what that is. :)

The back of the eye.
Tapetum, reflects light back through the retina.
The lens.

The Pupil
The front of the eye, from the inside.
The back half of the eye.
So there you go. I had a pretty awesome time. Strange, huh? Lots of people wouldn't say that, but I thought it was pretty amazing. And cow eyes are a lot like human eyes, so that kind of gives you an idea of what we see out of everyday. Awesome, right?
God bless,

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I can fly, I can fly!! :)

Me, Ruth and Luke

I got to ride in the front seat. lol :)

View from the plane.

Thumbs up! Amazing! And we hadn't even left the ground!! :)

Hey there everyone,

A couple of weeks ago, a friend who is a pilot invited me to go on my first ever "real" plane ride. See, I have been on a passenger plane, but to Luke, that is not real flying. Real flying is riding in a 4 seat plane, dipping and turning, taking off and landing. Let me tell you, everything you see everyday looks a whole lot different from the sky!! Let me tell you, that ride was amazing!! :) We flew from home base to a town about a half an hour away and landed there. Then we took off and headed back to home base. On the way back, Luke decided to try following the river, a very curvy river. His sister Ruth, who was in the back and asleep, woke up with all the twisting. It was awesome!! Then we did a touch and go at home base and headed toward the lake and my house. We flew over my church, then over the reservoir. I said, "Hey, my house is that direction!" and Luke said, "Well, let's just go see it!" I called home and told them to look outside. We flew around my house three times. My family was waving and I got to see my house from the air! :) We did a touch and go at another airport then headed back to home base. It was totally a sweet, awesome day! Thank you for the ride Luke!! And thanks to Ruth for the pictures! I was having way too much fun to think about taking pictures. Next time! :) So there you go, a little something about what I have been doing.

God bless,

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New background and header

Hey everyone,

Olivia came over for my sister Rachel's birthday, and we took a lot of pictures. We did hair, makeup, and messed around with different outfits. I used one of the pictures that Olivia took and made a new header for my blog. I even changed the background! I hope you like the new look and I will have a longer post soon! Oh, and happy birthday to Rachel, who is now a teenager!! :) Have a good week everyone. :)


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hello everyone - vacation pictures

Mt. Rushmore

One of the many airplanes we saw at the Air Force Base - photo courtesy of Jonathan's Air Plane Photography

Me - no I can't fly. :)

Devil's Tower

Jonathan and Scott's Bluff

A lighthouse

Jonathan wouldn't walk down the stairs. He crawled down them.

Pony Express rider

A bovine

Pony Express stop marker

Train yard

Pony Express stop

There were fish down there.

Walking bridge

Missile from the Air Force Base

Rachel at Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore



Falls Park

USS South Dakota anchor

propeller from the USS South Dakota

Hey everybody,

As I am not finding the time to sit down and type up my entire vacation experience, I am just going to share some pictures. I will try to get an actual post done, but that won't be happening for a while. These aren't in the exact order, but my computer won't let me move them. :( Enjoy the pictures!! :)


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Hey everyone,

I am back from vacation!! :) I will be posting soon, but am still sorting through my pictures. In the mean time, I just wanted to let you know that I had made it back!! :)

God bless,


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The catch-up post

Well ya'll, I have to say that it is about time for me to fill you in on all that I have been doing in the last few weeks.

After county fair was done, I took a little break. Then, on the 14th of this month, I had a dance performance. It was a lot of fun and went very well. After the performance, Olivia came home with Rachel and I and we spent the afternoon hanging out. We decided that we wanted to go swimming but that we didn't want to go to the beach. So Rachel asked Mom if we could walk down to the creek behind our house. Mom said that that was fine, but we had to walk, no tractors because the ground was so rough and full of holes. We headed out, thinking, oh, this won't be so bad. Well, we were sort of wrong. The field behind our house had be burnt off last year and planted with new seed, supposedly some kind of prairie grass. What was actually there was 4 to 6 foot tall thistles. Not so fun to walk through. Thankfully, they weren't real close together, so we were able to avoid most of them. We made it down to the creek, and Rachel jumped in, thinking it was going to be deep (because it used to be). But, most likely because of the flooding last year, the creek is only about 2 feet deep in the spot we had selected. Needless to say, she hit bottom. Olivia isn't great with what she calls "dark water" (actually, you could see the bottom), so it took some convincing to get her in. But we all got in and had a fun time wadding around and splashing each other. We moved down stream and got to where it was deep enough that we could swim a little. After some photos, it was time to head home. We found the trail that me, my Dad, and my brother had made with our old van, and followed that home. The trek home was much easier, to say the least. When we got home, Rachel and Olivia did make-up before dinner, because we wanted to take some pictures. Olivia and Rachel posed at different places here on our little farm and I took pictures. Then we had a wonderful supper of hamburgers and watermelon. After the dancing, hiking and swimming, we were all kind of tired. We decided to watch a movie. We plopped down in my grandparents bedroom and watched "The Count of Monte Cristo". Then it was time to take Olivia home. :( We had a great day. Here are some of the pictures I took. (Olivia might just kill me for this, since she didn't get to "approve" them first.)

Olivia and Rachel in the creek

Splashing each other (Olivia might not like this one)

Picture time




Next, it was state fair time. Rachel and I did our Irish Step Dance, "Battle of the Sisters", Sunday for the Share the Fun show. Our family wandered the fairgrounds, saw the big boar, the big bull, and the big horses! Dad, Rachel, Jonathan, and Grandpa went home, but my Mom and I stayed at my great aunts house because I was doing my presentation the next day. On Monday morning we wandered the fairgrounds, then at 1:00 I check in to do my presentation. That didn't get done until 4:30, so we stuck around so we could watch the draft horse show. They had cart, under saddle, and hitch classes. I loved watching all the big horses and the six horse hitch was amazing. The show didn't get done until nine, so we weren't home until eleven, but I say it was worth the late night. (Mother might not agree with me, as she had to drive home) Then on Friday and Saturday, it was time for the Stitch This challenge. This was a 16 hour sewing competition where teams of four took apart a wedding dress and made it into a new wearable outfit. I was the model for The Fab Four. We got a dress with beading on the bodice and really liked it, so we worked with that part of it. We added strips of cobalt blue to the front of the dress, and silver straps. We also made a hat and completed the outfit with cobalt blue jewelry. This competition was a lot of fun and a great learning experience. My Mom and I again stayed at my great aunt's house. On Sunday, we wandered around the fairgrounds because I could pick up my refinished secretary after 7:00 that night. The lady in the 4-h office said it would be better to wait, and that worked out perfect because there was a free concert that I wanted to see. Julianne Hough was the free Sunday night concert. I really like her music. She is a new country singer, but her music so far is clean and a lot of fun to listen to. I didn't get to stay for the entire concert because I had to get all the way across the fairgrounds to pick up my secretary. I got to listen to about 50 minutes of the concert and really enjoyed it. Then my mom and I speed-walked across the fairgrounds. While I went to check out my projects, Mom went to get the van. Getting my secretary out went a lot better than we had expected, and we were on the road by 8:20. We got home at 10:30 and Rachel was still up. She had waited up to show me the cake she had decorated to look as close to the dress I had made during Stitch This as she could without seeing it. She did a great job and it tasted great. Thanks Rachel!!! Then I fell into bed and woke up at 6:45 to a new day, including school. YAH!!! We have a week of school, then we leave on vacation. That will be a lot of fun.

"Battle of the Sisters"

Major face-off time!

Getting ready for my presentation

Doing my presentation

My great aunt's candy apple red trike - love it!!!

Horse show pictures

This horse was trying to "eat" his handlers hand

Stitch This! The Fab Four

The wedding dress we got


All done!

After the fashion show

Julianne Hough!!! :)

I hope you enjoyed reading about what I have been doing! I will be putting up more pictures from the horse show, Stitch This, and some other state fair pictures that I have.
Until next time, God bless!