Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Eve Vet Visit

It is the morning of Christmas Eve and Rachel and I are out doing morning chores. My dog Fritzy likes to go down and chase rabbits out of our junk pile with our older dog Charlie while we are outside. We had finished chores and were bringing in the sleds that had gotten left out, when Rachel yells to me, "Fritzy has a really big cut on her side!!" So we take her inside and I see that she is missing a triangle shaped piece of her hide. Rachel and I clean the gash up as best as we could and then we get Mom. Mom says to show it to Dad but she will probably have to go to the vet. Dad says yes, she needs to go to the vet. So we jump in the van and back out of the garage. But my dad had not cleared that part of the driveway and we got stuck!! So we got out and jumped into the Jeep. Once we get to the vet, the assistant says that Fritzy will have to stay. After the vet's other appointments, they would put her to sleep and stitch her up and we could come get her around 5:30, when the vet comes to do evening chores. Not exactly the way Fritzy had planned to spend the day!! So after she was stitched up, which took 21 stitches, Fritzy was definitely ready to come home. She spent the rest of the evening sleeping very close to her "people". The gash only cut into the fat, no muscle, so Fritzy will heal up fast. If we can keep her calm, that is!! She is very energetic and does not like to say still for long!

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